Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 55 and 56 - Going Away Madness

(Post for 9 and 10 July) Based on all the going away formalities you would have thought I've been here for a significant portion of my adult life. Yesterday, on Jumah, we went to Camp Dogan for a going away given to us by the Turkish Officers that have a mentoring team here also. Then today we had chai with MGen Sharif, the Superintendent of NMAA, and he gave me a pair of nice stone flower vases as a going away. Finally, we met at the on base Thai restaurant and had dessert where we had a going away from all the mentors. Geez. I don't even leave until Wednesday.

I did turn in most of my ammo, 5.56 magazines, personal recover beacon, and my individual first aid kit today though. No more missions outside the wire for me. The next time I leave KAIA or NMAA will be on a C-17 (I hope). During work I finished up my after action report and recommendations to the team chief, senior mentor, and CompSci department head. I gave a few of the higher priority recommendations to the Superintendent during our chai at the end of the day, but mostly we just ate, had tea, and chatted.

I promised a few more pictures of Panjshir valley today, so here goes. These two are titled "Bear Attack", and swimming across the 50 degree, snow melt fed, Panjshir river in my skivvies. It was quite cold, but I think the water line obscures the shrinkage, so hopefully no one will be offended or make fun. The first picture is of me tackling Larry Walker, our team chief here. He was a bit reluctant to go any further into the river, so I helped him make up his mind. The second is me after having swam to the other side and lost about 20 yards down stream. The current was pretty vigorous.

This last picture is of the whole group of us having a picnic under a willow tree entwined with a grape vine on the banks of the river. We had fresh mulberries, which I'd never had before and now love, fresh apricots right off the tree, a spiced yogurt drink, which makes you nap big time, and nice conversation. Many people soaked there feet in the river. This was before the swim, and it didn't make anyone any wiser.

The Afghan with the gray hair and beard is the Commandant, BGen Hesim Udin. He grew up in a house only about 100 yards from this spot, which is still in the family. He is a very interesting man that has lived an amazing life. He was a generous and gracious host as well. I'll try and sprinkle in more of the Panjshir pictures over the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. Step 1: Hide all cameras under rock.
    Step 2: Swim in river in skivvies.
