"Oh, say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?" I really like our anthem for a variety of reasons. It is up beat, inspirational, has great lyrics, and it's not too long. The other anthem played today sounded a bit like a dirge. This is also the first time I've heard it, and it seemed somewhat repetitive.
I watch a lot of Formula 1 races, and there are always a variety of anthems played at the conclusion. One for the winning driver, and one for the winning team. For a long time it was the German and Italian national anthems. Go Schumi! He's back racing again, but not with a top tier team. He's my age, but I don't think he's lost any ability. By the way, if you're a Top Gear fan, rumor has it that he might be "The White Stig." He was revealed as such on the show, but many think that was just a hoax. Any way, the point really is, most national anthems are just too long. A lot of times when I hear them I'm left wondering about half way through, is this over yet? Little known fact, the shortest national anthem is Uganda's at only 9 bars (good choice folks). The longest is Uruguay's at 105 bars, and Greece's has 158 verses, but it's just Greek to me (it was too easy). I think ours is just right. After this whole diatribe though, I'm sure it's obvious that I'm more than a bit biased.
Not sure how I got from the Star Spangled Banner to the Stig, but that is just a glimpse into the random synaptic firings that make up my consciousness. Next post will have photos and details about our trip to Camp Dogan for a going away luncheon from the Turkish Officers we work with at NMAA. I also will post some of the Panjshir pictures as well when I have good upload speeds from work. Till then, here's just one of the representative photos from Panjshir.
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