Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 16 - Glorious Morning

Today was a fairly low key day. A bit more of the same. I'm working on getting the CompSci mid-terms translated so I can review them, and I spent more time configuring the language lab. I did have a success there. My new configuration brain storm worked out. I was able to load the language lessons on our one Terra-byte server and modify the start up files so each client machine can run them from one place. Now I just need to get the IT guys to load the rest of the 24 language CD's and write/modify 8 batch files per CD to start the correct lessons and we can move on to the hard part, training the instructors how to use it all. They only have 176 more batch files to go since I did all the ones required for the first two CDs. Oh yeah, and then distribute the start up files to all 16 user workstations. Should be done tomorrow.

Congratulations to Dario Franchitti on his second Indy 500 win! I just got off Skype with Gina and she put in a request for Indy tickets for our whole family next year. It will be the 100th anniversary of the first 500-mile race on the track (but really only the 95th running of the Indy 500). I hope we get them. Wow, I have an amazing wife!

Back to work. Lots more summer mentors are arriving. We had three Westpoint mentors fly out today, but are getting in 12 more for the summer. We'll all have room-mates within a few days. I hope mine doesn't snore, and I hope he doesn't mind snoring ...

I picked up a mentoree today (I think that's a word). My assigned translator (tajiman, not sure I spelled it correctly), Mansoor, has asked me to tutor him in Linux and networking. I'm thinking about working through the final project we used for our networks course at USAFA this spring with him. It should be fun.

As an aside, I got my first care package from Gina the other day. She included a small box of the new (to me anyway) Starbuck's instant coffee mixes (Via). Awesome. I never thought instant coffee could taste that good. Maybe I'm a bit out of touch though. It's been over two weeks now since I had my last really good coffee at the Zurich airport (for $8 I might add).

WARNING, WARNING, WARNING! TMI alert. If you're easily offended read no further and tune in tomorrow.

OK, you kept reading, so really anything is fair game now. You were warned.

In the true spirit of blogging (revealing something personal for the whole world to know) I have to explain today's post title. I had my first solid BM this morning since I arrived in country 16 days ago. I was shocked that Wikipedia even has an entry for it, just click the link above. I guess my stomach is finally getting used to whatever Afghan food it is that I'm eating. I'll discuss the challenging toilet situation in another post, but all in all, it was a glorious morning!


  1. Dude your awesome!! That must be a record 16days. Thanks for the gut busting laugh. Really enjoying reading your blog. Can't wait until Traci reads it she will be shocked. (Mrs. Proper) Take care and hope you get those tickets.

  2. Considering the facilities, I'm not nearly as interested in the "what" as I am the "how"!

  3. Perhaps more on the "how" in a future post ...

  4. You know what they say . . . a picture is worth a thousand words . . .

  5. I know everyone . . . don't encourage him and don't give him any ideas, but he wouldn't really post a picture of this, would he?!

  6. Dude your awesome!! That must be a record 16days. Thanks for the gut busting laugh. Really enjoying reading your blog. Can't wait until Traci reads it she will be shocked. (Mrs. Proper) Take care and hope you get those tickets.
